The domain dropcatch , also known as the domain backorder, is the mechanism that allows you to register a domain name once the registration expires, immediately after the deadline.

What is Drop Catching?

To understand the dynamics of a dropcatching mechanism it is necessary to study the life cycle of domain names .

In a nutshell, if a domain is not renewed, it will eventually be "released" from the registry and will again be available for registration by anyone.

About forty-eight hours before the release, on the main domain backorder platforms , the lists of domain names in droptime will be published, so that customers and interested people can see them.

If there is a domain name in the list that interests you, you can try to reserve it via one of the backorder platforms.

If you don't want to use one of these platforms, you can try to register it manually after the droptime. The greater the interest in a domain, the lower the chances of being able to register it by hand.

Even the domains deleted for various reasons find their way on the drop.

Why can a dropcatching platform help me recover a domain?

We have seen that dropcatching systems are more likely to recover expiring domains, the service is particularly useful for premium domains (both at EDM level and with high SEO values) that could be in high demand.

The drop services allow you to bid on the domain names you want and if you are the highest bidder you can register the name if it is captured. To increase your chances of securing that domain (if you consider it important), you should make reservations on multiple backorder platforms.